The Need

We work to increase and improve philanthropic investing in global governance by mapping the sector, conducting research, and creating opportunities for active grantmakers, potential future funders, and allies to come together and learn.

We invite all philanthropies, big and small, to consider how their investing strategies relate to the needs of global governance reform.

On pandemics: How can we thwart the spread of contagions without robust international cooperation?

On climate: How can advocacy be successful in the absence of enforcement?

On forests: How can tropical countries prioritize forest conservation without international partnership?

On oceans: How can clean-ups succeed without interventions upstream?

On refugees: How can tens of millions of people remain stateless for years?

On financial systems: How can we have national sovereignty if bad actors take financial resources offshore without consequences?

On culture:  How can we conserve local traditions in a global culture?

On multilateralism: How can we work with the existing international system to further transparency, responsiveness and accountability?

All issues are connected, yet the systems for addressing them are not.   In the face of our global democratic deficit we have an accountability vacuum.  Institutional reforms are needed as well as innovation, both top down and bottom up.

How? We exist to help answer this question, at scale.


After organizing dozens of summits all over the world to bridge communities of wealth and impact, a team of philanthropic innovators and allies from NEXUS joined forces to announce the creation of the GGPN at the Paris Peace Forum on November 11th, 2019, in recognition of the need to facilitate greater communication, collaboration and learning for philanthropists and donor institutions that work on international governance and issues of the global commons.


Originally developed by members of NEXUS, the GGPN operates through fiscal sponsorship from the Giving Back Fund and in collaboration with the One Earth Future Foundation.