The GGPN hosts periodic conference calls for funders and other stakeholders involved in global governance. This page features newsworthy innovations and proposals to be cited and discussed in GGPN calls.
The UN75 Global Governance Forum seeks to promote a more inclusive and effective United Nations through dialogue and recommendations that better harness the ideas, capabilities, and networks of both state and non-state actors
The Amazon Investor Coalition is a global partnership working to advance conservation and forest-friendly economic development in the Amazon rainforest region
Responsibility Chains: Building Global Governance for Forest Risk Commodity Chains
The Responsible Currency and Payments Coalition wants to help digital currencies and electronic payment networks to develop environmental, social and governance standards that contribute to the global commons
FEGG Is a Proposal for Financial and Ethical Global Governance Reform
Ending Pandemics provides scientific, technical and catalytic funding to find outbreaks faster in emerging disease hotspots.
The Financial Transparency Coalition works to thwart illicit financial flows
The Global Alliance for Banking on Values and the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEPFI) promote Principles of Responsible Banking globally
The Internet Jurisdiction & Policy Network enhances legal interoperability and reduces jurisdictional tension on issues of cyberspace by developing international standards
The Fourth Sector Group offers a global platform to accelerate for-benefit entrepreneurship
The Refugee Investment Network invests in long-term solutions to address forced migration globally
The Global Challenges Foundation raises awareness of global catastrophic risks and the governance systems needed to address them
The Paris Peace Forum convenes heads of state and key stakeholders to discuss global governance solutions
The Transparency & Accountability Initiative unites donors to support informed citizens, open government and collective action for the public good
The Worldwide Initiative for Grantmaker Support unites donor associations and works globally to develop philanthropy and social investment
The Rules-to-Give-By Index and the Campaign for a Culture of Philanthropy promote a global framework for tax incentivized philanthropy
The Biodiversity Funders Group supports a community of grantmakers to share knowledge, design strategies, and collaborate
Oceans 5 organizes donors globally to constrain overfishing and establish marine reserves
The Global Climate Action Summit unites governments, companies, investors and cities to accelerate action on climate change
Humans on the Move convenes the public, private, and humanitarian sectors to address challenges and opportunities brought on by forced displacement and refugees
The Community of Democracies is an inter-governmental organization that unites civil society, governments and the private sector to promote political participation as well as democratic rules, norms and freedoms